Oh god, 2002 was just as far back as when GTA Vice City came out in the 1980s
Do you want an existential crisis that rivals Barbie? Consider this: The year 2002 was released in the same decade as GTA: Vice City. You read it right. Time is frightful and we need to book holidays immediately.
Reddit is the perfect place to find out who created this shocking fact.
This revelation was made by user RogerRoger63358 over the weekend. Fans have already commented on the fact that time seems to be moving much more quickly than it used to. This is the easiest way to know if you are over 30, and have morphed into the Boomers of today.
It’s hard to imagine that you’ve never heard of GTA: Vice City. This is one of Grand Theft Auto’s most popular games. Since March 2023 when a modder gifted us a Vice City 2 Trailer, fans were eagerly awaiting the sequel.
Rockstar Games’ secrets about GTA 5 will likely focus more on the future than the past. Even so, it doesn’t prevent gamers from daydreaming and wondering what-ifs before spiraling down into a train of thoughts that would make the Doctor jealous.
Why does it feel unsettling to hear that the 1980s are as old as the 2000s? It could be because we are so used to believing that 2010 is only two years old, rather than thirteen years. …!
What does it mean for GTA Vice City? It’s not that it is one of Rockstar Games’ best games, but it will be on our minds for days. While the game is still iconic, its setting has a new effect on us.
Thanks to some dedicated gamers, while we are waiting…and waiting…for GTA6to be revealed, we at least have the GTA5 Story Expansion. This mod allows you to talk with NPCs in a way that you have never experienced before.
If that’s not enough, the Police in GTA 6 has been completely overhauled. Not just the looks of your car, but also cops who will recognize it and allow you to surrender when you are caught.