Officially Announced: “Detroit: Become Human-Tokyo Stories”
The new series, Become Human, has been announced and is not the sequel you might have expected.
Detroit: Be Human takes place in Detroit in 2026. The story follows three distinct androids on their parallel quests for freedom and autonomy in a world that expects them to be mindless slaves.
Although it’s been a while since we last left the characters from the 2018 divisive video game, Quantic Dream seems to be not quite done with the world. We’re going to explore a new corner of this dystopian universe.
Detroit: The Become Human Tokyo Stories is an entirely new manga set in Tokyo. You might wonder why they didn’t just call it Tokyo Become Human. Kotaku explains that this title was used in a story trailer released for Detroit Become Human in 2018.
Fans may be disappointed that Tokyo Stories won’t follow the game’s characters. It will instead focus on Reina, an android pop sensation and one protagonist.
The world of Detroit: Be Human isn’t just about Japanese labor. However, as more Japanese bots replace human workers, the world will soon change.
Saruwatari Kasami is writing the manga, with Moto Sumida as art director. Quantic Dream will supervise the story, presumably to keep it true to the world it created.
Sumida said in a Tweet that Detroit: Become Human was one of my favorite games. “I’m happy to be [in] this. This comic would tell the story of how androids live in Japan while Detroit continues. This comic is my hope that you will enjoy it.